My Writing Journey – The Key Words Will Unlock the Door to Your Audience (9/8/2016)

What are you looking for?  You need to know the answer to this better than your audience, because this is exactly what your audience is looking for.

Think about it.  When you want to find something important, you get on the internet and find what you’re looking for on your desktop, laptop, or phone.

When you are searching for something, you type in those key words to find what your are looking for.  The trick to doing this right is having the most frequently used key words sprinkled in your blog.

Using my case, for example, what are writers looking for?  Writing prompts and writing ideas are at the top of the list.  If they want to defeat writer’s block, they will look for these particular key words.

If they want to hone their craft, they will look for writing style.  For inspiration or samples, they will look for plot devices, stream of consciousness, plot, setting, simile, and metaphor. For how-to’s, they will search how to get published and self publishing.  In being a part of a support system, they might search blog community.  For entertainment, they will search short stories and creative journals  (HINT:  For an amazing creative journal, check this one out!  Or aspiring writers that may want to follow someone’s journey would search for writing journals, writing milestones, and writing achievements (This segment is a good example.  With My Writing Journey, I will cover every bit of my writing journey!)

And if any of your are aspiring writers, every one of those key words will be covered sooner or later.  Came here for writer’s block?  Go next door to Think & Write.  They’ll help you out.

For ideation yesterday, it was just me and Katryn.  Not much was accomplished, but I did manage to connect my WordPress to tumblr  (have a tumblr?  Check it out!)

This example works with anything that you’re looking for.  Are you looking for cooking?  Are looking for fishing or beauty tips?  You need all the right key words associated with those interests.  And to figure out which ones are the best, go here to Google Trends.  Once here, search one, two, or more key phrases and see if they rate high.  If not, don’t use them!  The right key words will unlock the door to your audience.  And you will start getting one if you use them often enough.

That about wraps up this week.  What will I cover next week?  Find out next time on My Writing Journey!

See you next week!

Your friend in writing,
