Me & My Muse – Day 1571: An Earful…

And by that, I mean an ear full of fluid.  Since Monday, my hearing in my left ear has been hindered.  Along with that, a rather unexpected head cold has developed.  After work today, I stocked up on my weapons of war:  Allegra, DayQuil, and NyQuil.  The evil virus army does not stand a chance against my aggressive tactics of medicinal warfare.

My Muse is currently 5,000 light years tall today.  Besides giving a daily update on her new size, that’s all I have to say about that.

And that’s all I have to say about today in general.  I want to try to sleep this nasty thing off, and let the antihistamines speed up my ability to fully hear again.

Today’s high is going to be 53 degrees and the silver lining is having to rest of the day off to give my recovery a fighting chance.

To those of you who are experiencing, or have ever experienced a head cold before, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.


Muse:  You have the sniffles?  Aw…I know that I can’t catch it since I’m Intangible.  I hope that you feel better!  I’ll bring over some flowers later, but I might have to shrink them a little bit…okay.  Make that a whole lot!

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