Me & My Muse – Day 1182: Green Haircut Delay

Over the course of the whole weekend, I can most certainly say that I have been gravely disappointed with the weather that we have had.  On Friday, it rained.  On Saturday, it rained.  And now, finally, on Sunday, it’s sunny.

Where were you on Friday, sunshine?  I wanted to mow the lawn on this day, but you were stubborn and were unwilling to allow me to use my surplus of time.  Instead, you decide to wait until Sunday, on the day where I have the least amount of time to be sunny.  But I digress.

To make a long story short, I mowed the front.  It was none too convenient either, since I have to leave for a life group that starts in 10 minutes.  Had the lawn been mowed on Friday, I would’ve had plenty of time.

Now to get ready for the life gr…

*teleports to Muse’s bathroom*

Hey!  Muse!  I don’t have time for this today!

Muse:  I gotta go potty!

Nurture:  Musie dear, you already went in your diaper.  When you have to go, tell me before you go, okay?

Muse:  Okay mommy!

This could wait until later.

Nurture:  Pressed for time today?

Yes.  I had a lawn to cut, because the weather decided to get nice on a day that would be the most inconvenient to do it.

Nurture:  Well, I’m getting frustrated.  Muse understands that she has to use the potty, but she doesn’t understand when she has to go.

Let’s see.  Having scanned her mind, it seems like she lets you know right after she goes or while she is in the middle of going.  It seems like she gets the idea, but she just can’t put two and two together yet.  And she’s 32.5 months today?

Nurture:  Yes.  My little girl is 30 inches tall and 25.5 pounds.  The height of a 14 month old and the weight of a 22 month old.  She’s in Size 4 diapers now…

Anyway, I hope that she figures out when to go potty soon.

Nurture:  Me too.  This is the sixth time today that she told me that she had to go potty.  Each time that I checked, she already peed in her diaper.

Well, we’re getting there.  Maybe soon, she’ll actually go.

Nurture:  I’m hoping at least once today.  Bye Kyle!

Bye Nurture!

*teleports back to reality*

Well, I need to get going to life group.  I’ll be back later to tie up some loose ends.  There’s one more thing that I need to finish before I go to bed:  the one My Writing Journey.

Today’s high is going to be 65 degrees and the silver lining is going to life group tonight.

To those of you who wish the weather would’ve been more sunny this weekend, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.


Nurture:  Okay, Musie dear.  I just put a new diaper on you.  Let mommy know when you have to go potty, before you feel wet, okay?

Muse:  Okay mommy!

Nurture:  (Seventh time in a row.  I hope this works…*sigh*)

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