Me & My Muse – Day 918: A Warm Gathering

After working a morning shift, I am ready for tonight’s gathering.

Tonight, I will be going to someone’s house.  It will be someone from Toastmasters (hint: I went to their house for a couple chocolate tastings in the past).  They will be showing a Darren LaCroix video that I and other members from Toastmasters will watch.  We will then have some food and talk about it after it’s done.

Besides that, I’m tired so I’m cutting this short for today.

Today’s high is going to be 23 degrees and the silver lining is going to someone’s house tonight.

To those of you who like evening gatherings, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.


Muse:  I’m hosting a house party myself.  All superheroes are invited!  This is going to be great…

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