My Writing Journey – The Tools You Need to Succeed (10/20/2016)

Do you have a toolbox?  What I like about toolboxes is that they contain all the tools that you need to get the job done.

But I’m not just talking about your standard toolbox.  There are toolboxes for drawing, toolboxes for designing websites, toolboxes for editing videos, and virtually every other one that you can think of.  There’s one for each job.  Not just carpentry, construction, or do it yourself projects at home.

If you don’t have a toolbox, get one, and put in all the tools that you need to get the job done.

Don’t have one yet?  That’s okay if you don’t.  After getting some ideas from my toolbox, you’ll be able to create your own toolbox!

First of all, to make a toolbox, you need to know the kind of job that you’re doing.  After that, you need to gather the “tools” that you need to get that job done.  Working on a blog post?  You’ll need all of the useful “tools” that you need to get the job done.  For this toolbox, you will need some good ideas.  Always look for new ideas because they’re out there.  Keep a notebook.  My notebook is the primary thing that I keep in my toolbox.  Keep a folder to file your ideas.  Since I attend Ideation every week, you could say that I have a toolbox of sorts.  I carry a bag around with a notebook, a folder, and a couple of pens.  In having this with me, I can write down a blog idea and compose it later.

Try it yourself.  What job do you have to finish?  What tools do you need to finish that job?  Round up those tools and put together your own toolbox.  The sooner you do, the more successful you’ll be.

What am I doing next week?  You’ll just have to wait.  I’ll still be here.

See you next week!

Your friend in writing,
