Me & My Muse – Day 3975: NESmorial Day Weekend Begins

f you have been reading my entries, then yes. Another NES entry means that my friend will be coming over today. But it won’t just be one day but the entire weekend.

With the week done, NESmorial Day Weekend has officially begun. A weekend of watching Netflix or the next Marvel movie while eating DcMonalds. Following that, my friend will continue playing Super Mario RPG for the Nintendo Switch.

I know that the search for work will continue after this weekend.  For now, I’m going to enjoy everything that this day has to offer. For the fun weekend ahead of me, bring it on!

Today’s high is going to be 76 degrees and the silver lining is my friend coming over and this awesome weekend beginning.

To those of you who are glad that Memorial Day weekend is finally here, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.


*Meanwhile, the Ragnarok approaches Lunatic Pandora and machine guns and cannons are used to break through the barrier and into the large structure.  The party goes through Lunatic Pandora and encounters Fujin and Rajin, who let Ellone go.  The party does battle with Signe and Seifer before they both escape, running after me and Rinoa*


Rinoa: Squall!!!

Shower: Kyle?!

Squall: Rinoa!?

*both Zill and Zell run in*

Zill:  Shower!  Signe’s got Kyle!

Zell:  Seifer also has Rinoa, Squall!

Shower:  Let’s go after Signe then!

Squall: And let’s go after Seifer!

*Upstairs, Signe and Seifer drag Kyle and Rinoa towards Adel’s Tomb*

Signe, enough!  Stop it at once!  Haven’t you caused enough trouble already?!  This is so not like you!

Rinoa: And Seifer, I could expect better from you, too…

Signe:   Sorry, Kyle!  There’s no turning back!  Nowhere else to turn!  I serve only one mistress now.  Ultimecia!  It’s her WISH to have the sorceresses as one with the sorcerer!

Seifer:  Wouldn’t want to disobey her, right?  Now be good, while I offer you to Adel…


Rinoa: ……Seifer.




Twin Muse: It’s finally here! And that reminds me. My friend just called and she’s on her way. I need to get everything ready! The house needs to be cleaned! Some snacks need to be prepared! I wish she wasn’t so last minute. *sigh*

*Twin Muse begins using her Intangible abilities to prepare everything at her house*

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