Me & My Muse – Day 2935: Oil Change and Panda Express…

Whoa.  Is he really doing it?  Is Kyle ACTUALLY typing a new entry for once?

Yes I am.  While I won’t reveal much right now, I am still going through some things.


Muse:  I’ll say!

Yes.  It’s been a little while and I am still going through some things.

Muse:  Kyle, I really miss you.  I know that you have been going through a lot.  I have been praying every day that you have been absent from this blog.  I always have it in my mind “When is he going to come back?”  What you are going through, I can say, is a whole lot.  Just know and remember this.  God’s got this.  He’s helping you through this.  Don’t forget!

I have not.  For a trial of this magnitude, it requires great patience on my part.

Muse:  I have been praying for patience.

I know.  And I thank you for that.

Muse:  Are you going to get your creative spark going again?  It’s only a matter of time, isn’t it?

I hope.  It’s all up to God’s timing.

Muse:  You are back at your office again.  Isn’t that great?

Yes it is.

Muse:  Don’t sound too excited!

It’s all the excitement I can muster right now.  Don’t you think I would like to sound 100% excited?

Muse:  That was more like 10% excited just now.  I know Kyle.  I know that you do.  Just know that we’re all pulling for you.

I know that you all are.  And in writing this one today, I don’t want to wait until I’m 100%. I want to get back to my creative writing prowess.  Don’t know when that will happen, but I want to get something out.  Anything.  Even if it’s not a work of art. I was given a gift of writing.  I don’t want to lose it.

Muse:  You still have it.  You just haven’t used it in a while.  And with what you have been going through, I’m sure that it has been a battle.

Yes.  Certainly one that I don’t want to lose.

Muse:  You won’t.  Now can we discuss the title?

Yes.  After work today, I went and got an oil change.  Tonight’s dinner plans include a long overdue trip to Panda Express, since there is a birthday card from last year to use.

Muse:  Sounds like a plan.  I hope you don’t mind if I join you.  I haven’t done anything with you in a while.  I know what you’re going through and you’re going to need your friends to help you out of this.  You will get there.  Just hold on.

You can join me.  It’s going to be my brother and I.  There is definitely room for a third person.

Muse:  Then it’s settled.  We leave when your brother is ready?

Yup.  That’s the plan.  (I can’t believe I am finally getting another one of these done.  The spark is there but it needs a fire to thrive.  Hope that I can keep this going once again…)

Muse:  (Don’t worry.  You will!)

So here’s a brief recap.  I worked today and had an oil change.  I will be having dinner with my brother at Panda Express.  My Muse will be tagging along.  That’s pretty much this day in a nutshell.

Today’s high is going to be 75 degrees and the silver lining is having a nice inexpensive dinner with my brother.

To those of you who like eating Chinese fast food, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.


Muse:  Congratulations on making another entry!  Yes, I know what you are going through but keep it going!  Maybe you will be able to get out of what you’re going through and really make some progress on these!  I hope that your brother ready soon!  My stomach is starting to growl and I’m feeling a little hangry…


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