Me & My Muse – Day 1574: Quick Finish

As far as my cold goes, I think that I’m at about the end of it.

Being a little tired, I’m going to cut it short.  I went to church, attending my small church and large church.  I then ate with my grandparents afterwards.

My lunch is all packed and I’m getting things ready for tomorrow.  I may work more on my story.  That’s about it.

My Muse is currently 50,000 light years tall today.  She is half the size of the Milky Way, so that’s really getting pretty big.

Today’s high is going to be 46 degrees and the silver lining is having a quiet Sunday to relax.

To those of you who are enjoying your Sunday, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.


Muse:  The Milky Way is getting smaller.  It’s only a matter of time before I surpass it…

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