Me & My Muse – Day 1534: Time for Inspiration

With another day out of the way, I am now ready to experience what’s left of this Tuesday.

My Muse is 4770.3 miles tall, and still growing.  She of course won’t grow again until tomorrow, due to her transformation cycle.

Anyway, I am thinking of returning to my writing.  There are some unfinished stories that I have written that I would like to continue on.  There is an unfinished book that I would like to continue reading (Mitch Albom’s “The First Phone Call From Heaven”).  I need some inspiration, so I will be looking through my manuscripts and books to find what I need.

Tonight is also a Toastmasters meeting, so I’ll be going to that as well.  After that, I’ll be having dinner at Taco Bell.  Bedtime will follow, since tomorrow is stock day at work.

Today’s high is going to be 74 degrees and the silver lining is being able to continue on my reading and writing.

To those of you who like investing time in your hobbies, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.


Muse:  Time to continue reading!  Just one more chapter and I’ll be finished…

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