Me & My Muse – Day 1239: Click Till You Drop

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? If not, now is the time.

Now quick! Go to your preferred websites and order everything on your list before you get that dreaded 404 error.

For anyone who took part in Black Friday, it continues. What, you ask? Well, only THE biggest holiday for online retailers everywhere: Cyber Monday.

For those who hate the Black Friday crowds, today is your day.  All you need to do is relax. You don’t have to go anywhere and all the best sales are just a click away. And the only downside is a server failure.

While there are so many deals to take advantage of today, I am not doing anything of the sort. I don’t need another large credit card bill to pay off so I am going to pass on this day for this year.

For anyone else who wants the deals, now is the time.   Stop reading this, type your favorite online store in the address bar and start shopping!

Muse:  I’m almost done with my shopping.

What would you need to shop for?

Muse:  What kind of question is that?  Time Ladies need things just as much as anyone else in the universe!

I’ll get to that later.

Muse:  Okay.  So far, I’ve got a lot of my shopping done.

Good.  I now need to get ready.

Today’s high is going to be 45 degrees and the silver lining is my friend coming over later.

To those of you who love shopping online, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.

Muse:  It’s about to happen.  The Doctor will need to bring us back to the timeline or we’ll experience all of last week all over again.  Oh, I’m going to hate this!  I don’t want to be a baby again…

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