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Me & My Muse – Day 2550: Fiscal New Year’s Day

Guess what, everyone? It’s New Year’s Day! Okay. Maybe not New Year’s Day, but it’s New Year’s Day for the Fiscal Year. Starting today, the calendars will all roll over to the beginning of a new Fiscal Year. Isn’t that exciting?

Not excited? Okay. Well, I am. I am going to relax for the day, and…

Muse: Kyle, I would like to talk to you about something important.  It’s regarding my time traveling  Can we meet in my room?  Oh, and be sure to come soon since it’s important, okay?

Halt! This story arc will resume tomorrow. One Privilege, ENGAGE!

*Time Muse transforms into Muse*

Muse: Oh.  You’re working on that big anniversary post, right?  Okay.  We’ll continue on it tomorrow. It’s very important!

Okay. Enjoy your day off.

Muse: I will. Time for some reading!

Time to enjoy the remainder of this day. After that, I will call it a night.

Today’s high is going to be 88 degrees and the silver lining is it being so warm outside.

To those of you who are happy about the Fiscal Year beginning, I hope that you all have a fantastic day.

Muse: Time to catch up on some reading. I can’t wait until tomorrow. I want to tell him about that time period…

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